Ramblings of a Southern California Triathlete

Monday, December 13, 2010

Sugarland 30K

I surprised myself yesterday with my performance in the 30K in Sugarland, TX.  As reported earlier, I've felt it difficult to recover from running "barefoot".  This was the longest race for me since the NYC Marathon and I did not taper.  I set my goal at 2:28, which would be at my goal pace for the Houston Marathon. 

I started out WAY to fast, but yet it felt so easy.  I kept going thinking my Garmin maybe lost its signal, so I was waiting for it to catch up.  By the end of the second mile I realized averaging 7:15/mile was just too fast considering I still had over 16 miles to go.  I just couldn't seem to slow down, though.  After a show bathroom stop at about mile 3, I was able to at least settle into about a 7:30 pace through the next 8 miles.  Unfortunately the damage had been done (going out too fast) and I paid the price.  I tried to accelerate toward the end and by the effort I felt I was giving it, I sure thought I was.  Yet, the pace continued to worsen. 

Nonetheless, I ended up with 2:23, way ahead of my goal.  I wonder what I could have done if I executed my race better?

Train safe!


  1. Congratulations on beating your goal time!!!!

  2. Not bad to be 5 minutes ahead of your goal time. Do you think that you got caught up in the moment of the start of the event and went out faster than you thought you had? Did your first few miles "feel" too fast for you or did they "feel" on target?

    Anyway, rest up that foot.
